Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Wednesday in Tillamook

It is grey in Tillamook today which is not very inspiring for my writing. What I really want to do is curl up with one of the two books I'm reading. I always read two books at a time (not counting the book on tape in the car) . I have a gym book that I'm only allowed to read when I'm doing cardio. I try to choose a page turner for my gym book so I will want to do a lot of cardio. Currently my gym book is "See How She Dies" by Lisa Jackson. The book is set in Portland which is fun, and so far Lisa is keeping me guessing. I'm hoping that Zach Danvers isn't really a Danvers so when Adria turns out to be London Danvers they can get together. The book I'm reading at home is the Killing Club. It's the book that is supposed to be written by Marci Walsh, who is a character on One Life to Live. It's really written by a former OLTL writer, Michael Malone. The show told me I should get the book because it will be featured in the story. I have to say it is a little disappointing. The book is a little weak to begin with and they hardly mention the story line on the show. . . I'm still reading and watching though, hope springs eternal. It seemed like such a good idea.
Keep your fingers crossed. . . I took promotional material for my book to the bookstore in Tillamook to see if they will carry it. Hopefully they won't be hung up on the fact that my publisher uses Print on Demand technology and isn't distributed by the two distribution monopoly's in America. Lydia says Hi to all . . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Lisa Jackson the lady that used to write the romance stories?

11:21 AM  
Blogger Arlene said...

Yes Lisa Jackson still does write Romance and Mystery's. Her real name is Susan and I'm starting to think almost everyone's real name is either Susan or some variation of Mary Katherine.
Did you know that Earlene Fowlers real name is Arlene Susan?

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! Thats crazy! I don't know if you are friends with Earlene Fowlers, but you should be.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog and for sending your second novel in. I sent mine in (again) to my agent last week and am trying to think up ideas for book three --which is a series.

See you on the 10th!

8:46 PM  

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