Monday, June 27, 2005

Mead Mans Mig Mrive

Marlene hopped into the front seat of Man's truck, "Come on Man, we're taking Mr. McDead here down to the station." Man was beginning to get nervous. He was having a hard time coming up with plausable explanations for how some dead guy ended up in his car. "We can't just drive him to the police!"

"Well, whats your big idea Man?! It's not our problem that the police don't believe us. What better way to show them than to drop the guy off at the station." Marlene was getting impatient with Man; she was also hatching a better plan for taking care of the dead guy. She got out of the front seat of Man's truck and went to the trunk of her black SUV. Marlene pulled out a large blanket that she kept in the back in case of a breakdown during the winter. She climbed back into Man's truck with the brown king sized comforter and hunkered down. "Man! Get in the car, we have got to do something with this guy!" Man climbed up into the drivers seat, sweat beading on his brow. "I don't think I can go through with this Marlene. I will go to jail for having a dead body in my car."

"Its fine Man, nobody is going to jail. We're taking Mr. McDead to 8437 SW Barbur Blvd..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, back at the Micorice shop, an older grey-haired lady approached the counter. "Don't you have any of those strawberry licorice candies? I see the ones on the shelf are in alphabetical order and there are none labeled strawberry. And aren't you new here?"
The dark-haired girl looked puzzled and answered that there was one bag left of the strawberry licorice, but for some reason it wasn't labeled.
"Well,I'll take it anyway," the grey haired lady, whose name was Muby, replied. But she was already suspicious. Why had the label been left off this particular package.

2:15 PM  

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