Charmed Life
David lives a charmed life. . . yesterday we were in the thick of things, unpacking and organizing when David noticed a Çomcast van in front of his house. Moments later, the technician buzzed David's place asking for access to a hallway to hook something up. David asked him what he had to do to get his internet started and the guy said if he had a kit in his van, he could take care of it. He did and it all worked and here we are. Then we went out and when we came back, we smelled gas in the kitchen. David called the gas company and that night, the gas man came and in the process of fixing the gas leak, he serviced the stove and heater and put them on line, so David didn't have to wait until the 6th afterall. He is now all set. Today we are taking the huge pile of cardboard boxes from moving and the IKEA furniture, to the recycling center. . . Davie had to use a screw driver to get into his chili can this morning, so we will take care of that too. . . .
Jack comes to town tonight too!
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