Monday, May 16, 2005

On the Road Again

After a restful day yesterday cleaning the new graduate's apartment, we are hitting the road. I guess I'm glad he and his roommate cleaned before Aunt Donna and I did, because it's hard to imagine how it could have been a worse mess, but by all local accounts, it was.
We have ten hours of driving ahead of us so we are starting at the crack of dawn. Good bye Lafayette, Hello Roanoke!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an "other", Suby, to be precise. I'm responding to an earlier blog, to comment on the Arlene Susan factor. Very interesting. Have you spoken to your psychic about this?
Especially interesting about Earlene Fowler. Hmm. Why did she choose such an odd name?
You are an amazing mother to clean up David's apartment. Yikes. I'm awed. There's another good benefit to having a son far, far away.

8:49 PM  

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