Sweet Home Indiana
At long last we are Indiana again. . . We have been observing the fact that deer get hit very often on the highway in Ohio. Today we saw six- 5 in Ohio and 1 in Indiana. We are thinking we won't drive too much after dark. We are pretty sure the deer mill about on the highway at night.
We said goodbye to the South Street Smoke House this afternoon, and it seems to have upset David's stomach. He cancelled dinner as a result. My stomach was feeling fine till that happened. I'm staying in the Purdue Union Hotel. I think the hospitality students get to practice on real people by having the student union offer rooms. I have to say it is nicer than a lot of the hotels we've been in lately. It has a really nice botanical print of a Magnolia on the wall.
In spite of David's ailment, he packed his house up this afternoon. Tomorrow we go to the storage shed. If all goes well, we will hit the road in the afternoon and hope to make it to Coralville, IA. . . Left Coast here we come.
And, yes Karen, I will come home eventually . . . and I will see you at the gym - speaking of which, I ran my 30 minutes on a really sorry treadmill in the Baytown Inn in Columbus. It had a flat place so every little bit it would sort of stutter, which would make me stumble. . .
I discovered the Wendy's new fruit plate last night. If you haven't tried it yet, you might like it. . . the fruit was fresh and the dip in the middle was yogurt. . .
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